
Artsenta provides creative wellbeing sessions in a number of small towns in the Otago region. These sessions are an opportunity for anyone 18 years and over experiencing mental health challenges to be creative in a safe and supportive environment. All sessions are free to attend but places may be limited. If you have high needs or require support please contact Artsenta to discuss. See below for more information. 


Date: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month 
Venue: Balclutha Creative Arts Centre, 142 Clyde Street
Time: 1:00pm-3:00pm 

Contact: info@artsenta.org or the Facebook page
Phone: 03 477-9566


Venue: Ara - Institute of Technology, 44 Humber Street
Dates: Weekly on Wednesdays
Times: 9:30am-12noon & 1:00pm-3:30pm 

Contact: waitaki@artsenta.org or the Facebook page
Phone: Toni 021 184 8470


Venue: Cromwell Youth Trust, 3D Murray Terrace, Cromwell
Dates: Weekly on Wednesdays
Time: 9:30am-12noon

Contact: central@artsenta.org or the Facebook page

Phone: Mary 021 027 81078 
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