Meandering Books
In this tutorial, Kari takes us through how to make a meandering book. This is a small book made of folded paper. All you need is an A4 or A3 piece of paper!Below is an example of a completed meandering book that Kari made.
Here's another example by Erin with some very cute cartoon characters.
Ceramic Bowl Tutorial
Erin from Artsenta gives a demonstration of turning a foot ring to finish a ceramic bowl.
Doodle Art
Paul on Concrete Poems
Paul gives an introduction to shape poetry and outlines the process of making one.
Making a Blizzard Book
Kari from Artsenta demonstrates how to make a blizzard book.
Pastel reduction drawing
Here is Erin's post originally on the Artsenta Facebook page:
Hi guys, Erin here. I am just going to post a photo of some of the scissors from my scissor collection. After that I will post a couple of very quick videos on 2 reduction chalk pastel drawings I have made using the silver coloured dressmaking scissors. If you decide to have a go at this process make sure to put newspaper down on your table or floor first as when you rub away the chalk pastel the dust gets everywhere. You can wash your eraser clean with soap and warm water then rub of any left over colour on a scrap piece of paper. Have fun
3D Cards
Writing Haiku
- use 3 lines
- use as few words as possible
- use present tense
- focus on nature and things you sense
- be specific
- avoid ryhmes, descriptive words, metaphor etc
- keep it simple
Here's some samples of Haiku from Artsenta's creative writing blog. Click on this link to see them:
Here's a video with more information on haiku writing.